Working in his barn near Greencastle, Indiana, Dixie Chopper founder and chairman Art Evans knew there had to be a better way. The result of his efforts becomes the first zero-turn radius lawn mower built for commercial use that would soon revolutionize the lawn and garden industry.
No more chain drives: Dixie Chopper raises the bar by introducing the "N" Series, the industry's first hydrostatic drive zero-turn radius mower
To prove that a stock Dixie Chopper mower can handle a whopping 150 horsepower, Art Evans builds a jet powered lawn mower using a Chinook helicopter engine. The jet mower is made famous by Tim Allen and Bob Vila in a 1993 episode of the TV sitcom Home Improvement.
The world’s first Twin Engine Mower, the S‘Burb’n Turb’n is introduced. Dixie Chopper asks: “How fast do I want to ride it today?”
Diesel power debuts with an unprecedented 50 Horsepower turbo-charged engine.
The Millennium Mower hits the market becoming the first liquid cooled Dixie Chopper.
Dixie Chopper introduces the Xtreme Mow-chine, the ultimate commercial mowing machine of the day. At 15 miles per hour actual cutting speed, the Xtreme was truly the World’s Fastest Lawn Mower.
The world’s first true propane powered lawn mower is introduced, again placing Dixie Chopper ahead of the pack in innovation.
The CNG Eco-Eagle again places Dixie Chopper at the forefront of technology and innovation with the most environmentally friendly combustion engine lawn mower ever built.
The Xcaliber 4x4, the first-ever 4 wheel drive lawn mower with zero-turn capabilities is introduced.
Dixie Chopper joins the Jacobsen/Textron family of quality turf products.
Dixie Chopper was purchased by Alamo Group Inc. in August 2019
1479 Southeast Village Green Drive, Port Saint Lucie, Florida 34952, United States